Do you have a way of enticing your hard fought customers into coming back more often?
Are you capitalizing on the database you already worked so hard to establish?
What is typed onto the cash register receipts you hand to your existing customers?
Change your cash register and credit card terminal receipt to
read, "For Preferred Customer Discounts Sign Up At: (your
This strategy is awesome because it does two major jobs when it
comes to marketing.
1. It captures all your current customers because everybody
reads their receipt, and everybody wants to be a preferred
customer to get discounts. It also captures all walk in traffic that
actually BUY something. Which leads us to:
2. A list of nothing but BUYERS of YOUR product. No tirekickers or
browsers, buyers only!
Now you've made a client for life and there are tons of other
methods to help them, and generate a great living for you as
Studies show that most people do NOT buy the first time they surf for and find a company website.
It takes up to seven visits to get someone to get off their duff and get out their credit card or pick up the phone to call a local business.
Put yourself in the place of your intended customer:
And the phone is ringing...
OK they found your site, but they may not have time to read it all!
So what do you want them to do now that they found you?
Just let them close the browser window or click away to surf another topic of interest to them?
What you want them to do is to get on your mailing list.
Then you can 'work on em' over time, at the very least they won't be able to easily forget about your product/ service.
Not very easily... they ASKED you to send them more information, didn't they?
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Mr./Ms. Local Frederick Maryland Small Business Owner
My name is David Bruce and I am a local e-commerce
business consultant.
I know your time is valuable, as is mine so I'll get right to the
point. If I could show you an unused asset that you ALREADY
have that could make you thousands of dollars, would you be
willing to speak with me for 15 minutes?
This free consultation can save you as much as 50% of your
entire monthly advertising budget AND bring you brand new
customers at the same time! The best part is that you already
have it, so the cost to implement this marketing weapon is
Please call me at 301 363-8206 at your earliest convenience to
schedule a free "no strings" consultation. I promise you, it will be
worth your time.
Yours in business,
David Bruce
Frederick Web Promotions