Local Google Advertising
If you, as a social media consultant, want to use your social media skills to "get your small business client" represented on social media, that's great. Every business would benefit from having a web presence, having a web presence is much better than not having one. If that local business is wanting to get more customers, more inquiries, more leads, make the phone ring to put more money in their cash registers: they need to use these two tools:
- social media
- web presence
By itself having a twitter account for your company or your clients company (and NOT SEO optimizing it for local Google search results) is NOT likely to put much money in the cash register for your client.
Having a company Facebook page for your client and not SEO optimizing it for local Google advertising is NOT going to have that company Facebook page show up in local Google search results... just being on Facebook isnt' gonna pull that off... Having a company Facebook page CAN produce local Google advertising IF you use Basic SEO 101 Tactics.
Basic SEO
Google Ranking How and Why
Everybody wants to be #1 in Google, that goes without saying, attempting to be #1 nationwide for a broad search phrase (aka keywords, search phrases are keywords) is going to take a whole lot of work (@$100 per hour which is what our SEO/ Social Media Optimization in Frederick Md team charges)
Some social media people think it's all about creating a sense of participation within a social network community. That is ONE good reason to participate in social media but to combine social media with SEO is one killer marketing combination.
So how does one Optimize their social media for SEO?
Treat each social profile you get a profile on as if it were a page within your website's domain. The titles you use for each blog post, for each graphic or photo you upload has to be the keywords you want that company to show up in Google search results for.
The same thing you do to SEO a website can be done to SEO a social networking profile!
You've got to choose which keywords you want to be found under, and often what the business owners *thinks* he or she wants to be found under and what their prospective clients are really typing to to find what they want to purchase have little in common.
Here's a "for example"
A doctor or a lawyer or plumber or landscape company would like very much to represent to their prospective customers that they are the sole provider of said service in a geographical area.
Customers are not stupid. No one searches for lawyer, the search for lawyerS plural they want to choose from a field of companies, they are NOT looking for just one.
You're much better off getting a SEO client to do keyword research for you than a social networking consultant. We charge $100 per hour of keyword strategizing and keyword research.
Google organic search results update roughly every 6 weeks, There is a finite quantity of Google Juice available to any one site at any given time.
... therefore we advise you choose no more than 3 keyword phrases for a 6 week period
When you Google your company name you *should* also see your company twitter and company Facebook and a few other social media profiles right next to your Google listing for your company website.
Increasingly, we're finding out, where a large part of the ROI in social media is when the keyword phrases your company needs to show up in Google for is filled not ONLY with your company website but ALSO in the same Google search results page your prospective clients see your company Facebook page and your company twitter and so on and so on...
Effective Area Denial
There are only 10 open slots in any Google organic search results page, if your company occupies 4 or 5 of the 10 available... that means your competition has to fight over the few you left open.
Local SEO from Frederick Web Promotions
Fees For Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Optimization:Social Media Optimization: 8 hours of one on one consultation, create social media profiles with SEO ranking specifically in mind. First Hour is exploratory, we may or may not choose to represent you, we will discover if we can realistically do something for your product or service in this first hour. Fee $100.00 per hour or $700 if you live in or near Frederick Maryland or we can do remote log in where we can both move the mouse and I can answer questions over the phone live
Google Places or Google Local Business Listing ranking
Many small businesses come to us with excellent ranking in the organic listings (sometimes called the natural search results or the main body of search results) but they are NOT ranking in the 3 pack of Google Maps. Google Maps is often the ONLY search results displayed on a smart phone. Increasingly people will start using their smart phone instead of a laptop, you need your company to rank in the top 3 or you will be virtually invisible. Fee for top 3 ranking in Google Places and one listing in the top ten Google organic listings $2000 annually
Keyword selection: one on one consultation to select effective keywords $100.00 per hour Typically our clients have a long list of keywords they’d like to be found under, we counsel you should pick no more than 3 keyword phrases, sell one thing and sell it well. You only have X amount of Google authority available to you at one time, attempting to spread a finite quantity of Google Juice over many keywords is counter productive in our experience. Every 6 weeks add 3 more keyword phrases to target, do NOT attempt all of them at once.
Managed Company Facebook Pages
Ghost write content for the supporting blogs we create, get each of them to rank in Google and create content for your company Facebook page and get the company Facebook Page we create and manage for your company to rank in Google:
$1000 to $3000 upfront: between $500 month and $1000 month for retainer fee and content creation/management. Fee’s vary depending on the competitiveness of your target market. We can hit any target, some targets are harder to hit than others. Typical Fee is $15000 annually ideally for criminal lawyers, divorce attorneys that want to dominate the local search pages for the geographical area they practice law in.
National Rankings: fees vary depending on competitiveness of the selected keyword phrase. Fees range from $14,000 annually $2000 up front, $1000 month to as much as $25,000
Regional Search Engine Marketing
785 Wembly Dr, Frederick Maryland 21701
240 397-9804
Frederick Web Promotions SEO Strategist David Bruce Jr Local Google Advertising- Google that phrase, then Call 240 397-9804 If you want YOUR company website to perform that well in Google.
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