Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Social Media Influence on Ranking Much Less

Way back in 2006-2007 what one did to promote one's domain on a plethora of social media platforms did, in fact, significantly improve the SEO of a given domain

Post Google Panda, not so much

it appeared to be a loop hole, one that Google saw as a threat to their business model, and Google closed much of the loop hole

For instance, in 2007 you could make a domain, share a link to that domain on and within hours or minutes it would not only be indexed, but the link coming from Digg gave the newly created website "authority" in the Google ranking algorithm's eyes.


adding an image to help describe your blog post did something in terms of imagery created in the human observers eyes, but Google's AI cannot "parse" the meaning of an image

but taking that same image, adding a keyword stuffed description of said image, adding tags ( also keyword stuffed ) to that image ( Hosted NOT on YOUR website, but hosted FROM Yahoo's Flickr) and "pulling" the image from Flickr (embed in your blog post the image hosted from Flickr) was one of my most effective SEO tricks

not so much now

so I'm publishing a reenactment of my previous position and now refer you to this authoritative post  on the Social Improves SEO from Stone Temple

Frederick Web Promotions SEO Strategist David Bruce Jr Local Google Advertising- Google that phrase, then Call 240 397-0148 If you want YOUR company website to perform that well in Google.

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